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The Scariest Japanese Cartoon

Publish date: Jan 17th, 2022 23:53 UTC+1

FreeHentaiStream.com: The Scariest Japanese Cartoon

The path of vice is theatrical in fact, it all consists of theatrical

 situations where naturalness is hidden under the guise of immorality.

Marquis de Sade, “Justine, or the Misfortunes of Virtue”

Perhaps the “95% rule” is nowhere else found so vividly embodied as in Japanese animation. Beaten plot motives, stereotyped characters of heroes, as if descended from the pages of pseudoscientific books on socionics, behavior of characters that defies common sense, and most importantly – boobs and women’s panties in maximum concentration per unit of screen time!

Agree, it’s hard to imagine that all sorts of vulgar jokes (kings of all jokes) can set the teeth on edge, but the anime made it. The target audience of most anime is teenagers, who, as you know, are the most sexually anxious representatives of the human race, they are primarily interested in sex and romance, everything else is secondary.

Is it all that bad? After all, Eros is always adjacent to Thanatos, and playing on these two basic instincts often became a tie-in for very high-quality thrillers. The best harvest is obtained from soil fertilized with manure, and among the frank hentai, there are stories with a completely sane plot, high-quality soundtrack, drawing, and animation.

Remove too explicit erotic scenes – and a good thriller may come out, even if show it in a movie, albeit in the 18+ category. We will try to find something worthwhile in the mountains of slag. We present to your attention the most “scary” Japanese porno cartoon.

The Scariest Japanese Cartoon by FreeHentaiStream!

As we have seen, meaning can be found in anything, and even among explicit porn, there is something interesting. But, perhaps, one should not get too deeply buried in the search for deep meaning where there is none. After all, the real world is just as interesting if you look closely. And real hentai cam girls are an object of study no less worthwhile than the drawn ones. So go ahead! Live your real life. Don’t be assholes and happiness will find you!