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Wizard Girl Ambitious Episode 1

  • Added: Jun 23rd, 2018 15:52 UTC+1
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You are watching Free Wizard Girl Ambitious Episode 1 Hentai Online. Navigate to Wizard Girl Ambitious for a Full description of this Hentai Series! Here is a short summary (may contain spoilers);
Kei is an apprentice knight, when his heart is broken by a failed romance he decides to go on a j... Read More

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Here is the full description:
Kei is an apprentice knight, when his heart is broken by a failed romance he decides to go on a journey for training. As he was leaving the town, he encountered two beautiful girls waiting just outside the gates. While he was checking them out, he noticed that one of them is dressed as a wizard and the other as a priestess. At the same time he noticed that the priestess was waving a sign, saying help wanted, they noticed him as well and thought that he wanted to join. After talking with them a bit (and surviving their trial) he agreed to protect them on their journey. What starts as a simple journey changed into something totally different... something that would decide the destiny of the whole world...