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Kansen 2 Episode 1

  • Added: Jun 19th, 2018 02:44 UTC+1
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You are watching Free Kansen 2 Episode 1 Hentai Online. Navigate to Kansen 2 for a Full description of this Hentai Series! Here is a short summary (may contain spoilers);
Kansen 2 (like the first episode) takes place during the initial outbreak of the Unknown virus ep... Read More

Extra Description:

Here is the full description:
Kansen 2 (like the first episode) takes place during the initial outbreak of the Unknown virus epidemic, but the protagonists here have a much harder lot because they are stuck in the middle of a contaminated city immediately after its destruction by a mysterious cataclysm. Stalked by hordes of infected maniacs, Hiroshi Ookura and his friends seek safety inside a mostly intact shopping mall, but madness and death are everywhere...